Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall On Your Sword, A Washington Tradition

President Obama was blindsided by the problems with the Affordable Healthcare Act's website says Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a recent interview.  He was completely in the dark.

Ah, Washington, you're so precious, it's politics as usual.  Protect your man at the top.  Fall on your sword.

Sebelius went on to say that the president knew nothing of a test run site crash before the inaugural launch.  Keep in mind, this was a test run that included only 200 people instead of millions they expected the first week and they left Obama out of the loop.

Um, wait.  This is the president's signature piece of legislation, his legacy, his gift to America, and they shielded him from potential problems, huge problems?

I'm tired of being force fed these illogical talking points.  Not only from the Dems but the Reps as well; it's prevalent on both sides.  The media laps up this stuff like kittens' milk and feeds it out to us as if they'd just discovered King Tut's tomb.  See?  President Obama wasn't incompetent, he was clueless!  (Yeah, that's so much better.)

Seriously, I don't care if you lean right or left, if you have one brain cell in your electronics-addicted noggin you're going to say, "this doesn't make sense."  It doesn't.  If there is anything that would completely encompass the president's time it's anything to do with his premier law, the one he got through that the Clintons couldn't.  The president is going to nurture this puppy like a show dog.  He's going to throw everything at it to ensure its success.  Like a captain of a ship on its maiden voyage, he's not going to snooze in a hammock and let others take the helm of his baby, he's going to steer it from port.

Unless they lied to him.  And, then we're all in bigger trouble than we can imagine.  I'm really hoping Sebelius is fibbing here and Obama was aware of the problems because the alternative is bleak: we have a commander in chief who cannot stand bad news and his underlings know it so they keep mum.  History proves that it usually does not end well for a ruler who cannot hear the word "no," but I digress.

Truth is, we'll never really know.  Like trained parrots, the media will continue to record and replay any nonsense that suits their cause.  And the people in power will always rely on a Sebelius, or Emmanuel, or any other lackey who will receive a big payout down the road to fall on their sword for their king.  It's a Washington tradition.

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