Monday, October 7, 2013

Washington Preschoolers

Current political maneuvering in Washington takes me back to my children's preschool years.

"I won't fund that!"
"I'll close this!"
"It's mine!"
"No, it's mine!"

My tween children today exude far superior control of their emotions than the officials--and I use that term loosely--we elected to office.  

When the National Park Service tried to shut down Mount Vernon, a privately funded operation that takes no federal money, I felt they went too far.  In reaction to the Republican stance of not approving a budget unless it defunds ObamaScare, the feds have gone nuts trying to inconvenience the very citizens they're charged with serving.  I was wrong.

Just read a bit about the feds putting cones near Mount Rushmore, blocking the pull-off lanes to eager vacationing picture-takers.  Um, excuse me?  Doesn't it take much more manpower and money to erect the blockage rather than just leaving it "as is?"

A fed employee stated what's really going on: "We've been told to make life as difficult for people as we can," an angry Park Ranger told the Times.  "It's disgusting."


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