Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Government Represses; Free Enterprise Empowers

Just read an article that the EPA is imposing harsh regulations on how to dispose of waste grains that will cripple small brewers and dairy farms.

Our government exists only to make our lives harder, make us pay more, and does NOTHING to create growth, jobs and wealth for the American People, the people it's charged with serving!

As we get poorer, the politicians get richer, then they come up with schemes like promoting "Income Inequality" to trick the public into thinking that biz owners and wealthy are keeping them down, when it's really the government that prevents average citizens from becoming wealthy.

There isn't a finite amount of money available.  Nine of ten millionaires made it themselves, they didn't inherit it.  Eight of ten billionaires, the same.

When are people going to wise up to these wolves in sheeps' cloaks in elected office???  When will have some relief from their tyranny?

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