The problem with our current Administration is that it is being spearheaded by a man who has a "world view." He didn't grow up with American patriotic roots. He had an Indonesian stepdad and a Kenyan father, which tailored his international relational outlook.
Patriotism is subjective to him, not something that was instilled in him as a boy. He sees the world stage as his political arena, not simply that within our borders. This makes him govern with not our national interest solely in his mind as previous presidents (Dem and Rep) have done.
Leaders of nations are supposed to look after their own national interests first. The liberal fallacy is that we can appease the world and make it a better place. But no other world leaders are doing that; instead they embrace their own national patriotism. And that's something our current Administration does not understand: government must first and foremost be a champion of its nation and the people within its borders.
The United States has a long history of offering aid and creating a better world (something people younger than 45 weren't taught in schools—it is distorted American history that they have learned). We are a compassionate nation that has been able to simultaneously display great national pride while offering the world hope, and not see that a conflict of interest. There is a reason that other countries keep their citizens as prisoners, and why so many people will do nearly anything to obtain our freedom--the very freedom our own government tries to squelch and squander. We offer not only oursleves freedom and hope, but the world as well.
Unfortunately, we cannot continue to be a beacon on the hill to the world if we put the world's interests above our own. We must protect and defend our nation so that we can continue to make positive influences in the world. The liberals believe that if we weren't "so mean" and didn't "use guns" or "start wars" the world will love us. They think like a typical abused girlfriend, if I just act more pleasing and submissive he will love me! It doesn't work like that, and it never will.
We need more national pride, not less, if we're to help the world. We need our citizens to be patriots, not to subject the world, but to save it.
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