Friday, July 18, 2014

BFFs: Putin and Obama

A friend of mine has some wise words about the crisis going on in America and the World.  We should take heed.  Please know that she's a gorgeous, California-living, actor/model, bi-racial, intelligent free-thinker.  She is NOT a conservative conspiracy theorist.  She gets it.  Her words follow...

"Malaysia acting stupider than before. Release the manifest and not give "details." It is obvious that this aviation company is waist deep in heavy espionage and are not very good @ it. And I get the sick feeling Putin & Soetero-Obama jointly pulled this shit to distract the world from the Mid East. He was horrible at the press conference and not a shred of sympathy. Just glossed over like his eyes. Spooks should not run countries. They have too many favors to repay and too much dirt to hide. Malaysia knows what it has done, counter intel knows and I think it goes beyond the Barbie Doll factories. Bottom line is there are some evil droids running the show and they all serious sociopaths that need to be terminated. At this point Americans are so pissed if they pulled a Lincoln, we would not have a race war because the Blacks and Whites are pissed about the border, and in general feel maligned and conned. All that ammo stockpiled is to be kept from you to go into you. Can you not see that those that swim to uphold the law are so angry that they do as they please? They receive no discipline, the cameras break, the evidence vanishes, the hard drive is gone, the lights were off so the camera missed it. But when YOU do something they can tell you exactly when and where. We are being played like the last song on the RMS Titanic."

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